What is NanjCoin (NANJ)?
NanjCoin (NANJ) is a cryptocurrency that was created in early 2018. It is based on the Ethereum blockchain and uses the ERC20 token standard. NanjCoin is intended to be used as a payment method for goods and services, and it also has a rewards program that allows users to earn NanjCoins for participating in various activities.
NanjCoin(NANJ) Chart
Who Are the Founders of NanjCoin (NANJ)?
The team behind NanjCoin (NANJ) is led by co-founders Kenta Iwasaki and Daisuke Yoshimoto. Iwasaki is a serial entrepreneur who has founded several companies, including an online marketing agency and a social media platform. Yoshimoto is a software engineer with experience working in the financial sector.
NanjCoin(NANJ) Live Price
What Makes NanjCoin (NANJ) unique?
NanjCoin (NANJ) has a few features that make it unique among other cryptocurrencies. First, NanjCoin is designed to be used as a payment method for goods and services. This means that it has the potential to be adopted by businesses as a real-world currency. Second, NanjCoin has a rewards program that allows users to earn NanjCoins for participating in various activities. This program is designed to incentivize use of the currency and promote its adoption. Finally, NanjCoin has a partnership with a Japanese credit card company that will allow users to convert their NanjCoins into Japanese Yen.