What is Bitcore (BTX)?
Bitcore is a cryptocurrency that was created as a fork of Bitcoin. It uses the same codebase as Bitcoin, but with some key changes. Bitcore has a larger block size (8 MB) and allows for SegWit (Segregated Witness). Bitcore also has faster transaction times, due to its smaller block time (2.5 minutes). Bitcore’s goal is to provide a more usable and scalable cryptocurrency than Bitcoin.
What factors affect the price of Bitcore (BTX)?
Bitcore’s price is influenced by many factors, including its supply and demand, news about the Bitcore project, and Bitcore’s exchange rate. Bitcore’s price is also influenced by general cryptocurrency market conditions.
Bitcore (BTX) Chart
Who Are the Founders Bitcore (BTX)?
Bitcore was created in April 2017 by the Bitcore team. Bitcore is an open-source project, and its code is available on GitHub. Bitcore has a community of developers and users who contribute to its development.
Bitcore (BTX) Live Price
Bitcore is traded on several cryptocurrency exchanges, and its price has fluctuated over time. In April 2017, one Bitcore was worth about $0.25. In December 2017, the price of Bitcore reached its all-time high of $565.73.
Rank: 3138
How is Bitcore different from Bitcoin?
Bitcore has a block size of 8 MB, which is larger than Bitcoin’s 1 MB block size. This allows Bitcore to handle more transactions per second than Bitcoin. Bitcore also has a smaller block time of 2.5 minutes, which means that Bitcore can confirm transactions faster than Bitcoin. Bitcore’s goal is to provide a more usable and scalable cryptocurrency than Bitcoin.