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What is Counterparty?

Counterparty is a protocol built on the Bitcoin blockchain that allows for the creation and execution of decentralized financial contracts. What this means is that Counterparty allows users to create their own digital assets, issue tokens, and build decentralized applications all without having to go through a central authority. This gives users a lot of flexibility and power when it comes to creating and using financial contracts.

Counterparty Chart

The native currency of the Counterparty protocol is XCP, which is used to pay for transaction fees on the network. XCP can be bought and sold on exchanges, and holders of XCP can also vote on governance proposals that help to shape the future of the Counterparty protocol.

Who Are the Founders Counterparty?

The Counterparty protocol was founded in 2014 by Robby Dermody, Evan Wagner, and Chris DeRose. All three of the founders are still actively involved in the project.

Counterparty Live Price.

The price of Counterparty (XCP) is currently $0.192616, which is a 0.03% increase over the last 24 hours. The total supply of XCP is 2,614,070 and the circulating supply is 2,614,070.

Counterparty (XCP)
Rank: 1001
$ 8.71
Price (BTC)
$ 22.85 M
$ 5.80 K
24h Change
Total Supply
2.65 M XCP

How Does Counterparty Work?

The Counterparty protocol works by embedding data into the Bitcoin blockchain. This data can be used to represent anything, including digital assets, tokens, and decentralized applications.

The way this works is that each transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain has a special field called an OP_RETURN field. This field can be used to store data, and Counterparty uses this field to store data about transactions that it processes.

This data is then used to create and execute smart contracts. The Bitcoin blockchain is used as a ledger to track the balances of Counterparty’s native currency, XCP.

What is the Token Used For?

The native token of the Counterparty protocol is called XCP. XCP is used to pay transaction fees on the Counterparty network. XCP is also used as a form of collateral when creating new assets on the Counterparty platform.

What is the Difference Between Counterparty and Ethereum?

One of the main differences between Counterparty and Ethereum is that Counterparty is built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, while Ethereum has its own blockchain. This gives Counterparty a few advantages, such as being more secure (since it benefits from the security of the Bitcoin network) and having a lower transaction fee. However, Ethereum does have some advantages over Counterparty, such as a more robust programming language and a larger development community.